Dance for fun and wellbeing
Join me on one of my dance courses or one-off workshops and learn some fun and fabulous dance routines inspired by different dance styles and themes.
Dance courses are weekly and usually set for a number of weeks. Dance workshops are usually held at the weekend as one-off sessions.
No previous dance experience is needed, as it is all for fun! All routines are broken down and danced through section by section. The choreography is then layered, and modifications are provided to allow you to choose the way you want to dance. Please be reassured that these sessions are not delivered as fitness classes, and you will not be left struggling, as there are always plenty of walkthroughs and opportunities to ask for help.
It's a great opportunity to meet new people, feel comfortable in a nonjudgmental environment where you can switch off, forget the outside world, just be you and, most importantly, have great fun and laughter.
It's also a fantastic chance to learn something new and exciting and take away to practice in your kitchen! A warm and friendly welcome is always guaranteed. Dancing really does make you feel good!
Special thanks to the Wellbeing Courses for funding these courses.
For more information
and to book courses go to
Dirty Dancing - Strictly For Fun - Mamma Mia - Dancing Through The Decades - Grease - Thriller - Singing In The Rain - Chicago - Step Into Christmas - The Greatest Showman and more!